reasons to lift weights


Here are some of the reasons why women should include lifting weight in their daily routine workouts beside cardio! 🙂

  1. Fat loss 

It’s the weight loss world’s biggest dilemma, the answer lies in lifting which leads to a greater percentage of fat loss. 

2. Calorie burn 

Lifting increase the number of calories you burn, All that repairing of torn down muscle costs a lot of calories. And the effect can last for almost two days.

3.Eating urges

Willpower not doing it for you? Lifting weights has been shown to tweak your grey matter towards eating clean. In a study at the University of Pittsburgh, overweight adults who followed a three-hour-a-week training program stuck to their allocated calories (around 1,500 a day), while a group that didn’t lift blew their calorie budgets. Researchers put the nifty twist down to the reinforcement of health and weight loss goals provided by lifting.

4. Stress relief
Dumbbells are the new antidepressants, according to academics at the University of Sydney. Regularly lifting weights was shown to lift symptoms of major depression in 60 per cent of patients in a trial. That’s on par with success rates from pharmaceutical antidepressants.




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