Nutrition facts

One of the most necessity for being fit is taking a very good care of what you EAT. This part of fitness which is eating is extremely important, and this is because you won’t be able to find any results if your food is not really matching the workouts you perform everyday, so this discussion will focus mainly on the type of food you should eat and how does it affect you.

how and when you eat makes a huge difference, first of all don’t eat with your mouth full, if you already have food in your mouth, wait until you have properly chewed it and swallowed the previous bite, and try ti take zips of water in between the bites. This will allow some time to let your mouth absorb some nutrients in the food, rather than sending the food directly to the stomach It allows the food to be properly chewed and digested.

Most importantly it gives your body time to let your brain know when it;s full. It can take the digestive system 10-20 minutes to send the signals to your brain letting it know it’s full, so eating too quickly will easily lead to overeating and weight gain

Secondly, breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day, Eat a well balanced breakfast within 1 or 2 hours of waking up. Doing so, jumps your metabolism and helps provide energy for your morning, Don’t eat a large meal before 3 hours of bedtime, food is more likely to be digested when your standing up right, so lying down strains the digestive process, if you are more likely to eat at night, eat a light snack, such as , protein shake, cheese or some fat free yogurt!

Eat within 45 Minutes of finishing your workouts, at least eat a meal full in protein or drink a juice full of vitamins and minerals which is of course fat free as well, or a Granola bar! It’s very important to replenish your body storage of Fuel, not doing so will slow down fat loss and muscle gain!


CARBS– it’s important role in the nutrition functions of our body, when carbs are digested the body converts them into 1- Glucose 2- Glycogen and it is to be used immediate or stored energy, they fuel many body functions such as the brain, heart , muscles and nervous system

Carbs are generally broken into two categories 1- complex Carbs and 2- Simple Carbs. Complex carbs include whole grains,nuts, beans ,vegetables, fruits and beans. These promote good health by containing vitamins, minerals and fibers which necessary for a healthy digestive system and metabolism

Simple carbs include Whole bread, pastries, sodas and other highly processed and refined food. High intake of these products can contribute to weight gain, interfere with weight loss and even promote type 2 diabetes and heart diseases

Be conscious about the kind of carbs you intake to decrease your fats and help build a healthier body and decrease fat gain, some people insist to limit the carb intake for the purpose of fat loss, This can be effective since the body uses the carbs as a primary energy source, it is forced to convert it’s secondary energy source Fat into ENERGY. Low-carb diet can drain the body with a lot of water, which can have many negative side effects including headaches, muscle cramp , so drinking enough water throughout the diet, avoiding high sodium foods can prevent this.

While Low-carb diets can be effective for fat loss, they are not recommended to maintain for a long period of time. Diets that are high in protein and fat can be straining on the digestive system and heart and can lack many nutrients that are beneficial to the body. thoroughly research & plan any diet you try to ensure doing what is best for you and your health.


Fats– Believe it or not, fats is a nutrient! it’s crucial for normal body function and without we could not live.

  • Fat plays a vital role in insulating body organs, maintaining body temperature, promoting healthy cell functions and even preventing  diseases. One of the purposes of fat is as a source energy, the body can pull on its body fat and convert it into glucose. BUT too much fat can definitely be un-healthy Excess fat can negatively affect many of the body processes including digestion, respiration, circulation, and even brain function.
  • Large amount of excess fats can lead to many types of lifestyle disorders, including low energy, low self-esteem, joint muscles & nerves pain, asthma, diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure, heart attacks and even death
  • the human creates Body FAT from EXCESS CALORIES. Excess calories are calories that have been consumed and NOT burned through daily living and exercise. To BURN excess fats, you MUST BURN more calories than you CONSUME. The best way to do this is by following a low calorie nutritionally balances diet and exercise
  • Example:  1Ib= 3,500 calories. An average individual can healthily burn fat a minimum rate of 1-2Lbs/ week by creating a DEFECT in Daily calorie intake and burn. to burn 2lbs/ week (7000 cals). Create a 1,000 cal/day calorie deficit
  • There are many online and mobile apps that can help you track down your calories such as “My Fitness pal” to track fat and weight loss
  • Always remember that ABS are also build in the kitchen and Fed in the Gym, so if you want Abs start Applying those facts and  follow these rules to reach your goal!


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